Tabernacle Penarth

Worship Services

We meet every Sunday at 10.30 am.  Join us at the service or watch it live at home.

Children are meeting in their Sunday groups in Tabs at 10.30am 

In just the same way as Jesus didn’t expect people to be perfect when he met with them, so we don’t believe you should need to be perfect, well dressed, or have everything sorted in your life before meeting with God in an act of worship. Everyone is invited and everyone is welcome.

We believe that Jesus is far more interested in what’s in your heart than the clothes you wear, and would rather you come with the wish to meet Him than focus on outward appearances.

We do sing, but yet again, we believe that songs that worship God don’t always have to be old and sung slowly, and so our worship bands tend to lead us in songs that are more contemporary in style and words, as well as including some of the classic hymns that have been such a big part of Church life over the years.

Our teaching often follows a series: sometimes working through a book of the Bible, sometimes a theme but always very Bible based and relevant to today.

We believe that Church is not the building, but rather it is the people and consequently we strive to be a community where all are welcome, all seek to live a Jesus lifestyle, and all are on the spiritual journey of life that involves change and maturity in how to love and prosper one another.

Why not come along and see for yourself.

Take a look at our other group events